1:36:00 PM
4:59:00 PM
Review - Becca & Jaclyn Hill Shimmering Skin Perfector - Champagne Pop
4:59:00 PMAnyone that has access to the internet at the moment (and is interested in makeup) has likely heard of Becca's shimmering skin perf...
5:37:00 PM
New City, New Haul
5:37:00 PMHola! I am back. I have been missing on the blogosphere (is that a word?) for a few months now but am slowly finding my feet once again. ...
Hola! I am back. I have been missing on the blogosphere (is that a word?) for a few months now but am slowly finding my feet once again. Although I really have no valid excuse for the lack of blog entries I like to think that moving states played a large part. However, I am now back and have an abundance of blog posts that will be coming up in the near future.